
Process Optimization

As financial pressures continue to increase on healthcare leaders, there is less capacity to absorb organizational inefficiencies. LaPlant’s best practices and innovative thinking in process optimization lead to new levels of efficiency and productivity that reduce costs and free up resources to focus on priorities. We have designed and implemented reliable workflow solutions that tackle some of today’s most pressing and complicated process-related situations for healthcare providers.

We take the time to understand your culture and develop solutions in sync with your people and systems. We work closely with leadership to turn strategic priorities into achievable work plans. And we partner with end users to implement new processes, creating the ownership that leads to successful change. We recognize policy and procedure development and training as critical to successfully deploying revised workflows, and we have extensive experience in them. Process optimization by LaPlant leads to measurable outcomes that:
  • Optimize workflows. Based on reality, not theory, we help revise workflows that become an improved and hard-wired way of doing business.
  • Help to right-size staffing levels. We help departments operate in the sweet spot where everyone is busy and productive without being overwhelmed.
  • Eliminate or reduce delays. Resolve delays that have been hidden, longstanding or ; previously assumed to be a necessary part of “business as usual.”.
  • Reduce costs. Process optimization is the path to improving quality and achieving your mission even as you reduce costs.
  • Improve employee satisfaction. Lift staff morale, cooperation and retention through improved tools and workflows.
  • Improve patient satisfaction. Improve patient satisfaction scores as a result of improved front-end (patient access) and back-end (billing) experiences.
  • Improve A/R days. Improve cash flow through processes that get results: greater visibility, control and predictability.

“LaPlant has the unique ability to create better outcomes through improving processes while implementing new technology. They’re versatile and able to manage difficult projects successfully.”

Charles Brown Former Associate Administrator – Revenue Cycle UW Medicine Seattle, WA